Analysis Methods


libcalculus.derivative(f, size_t order=1, REAL tol=1e-3, REAL radius=1.)

Returns a function object representing f’s derivative.


This method performs numerical differentiation of real and complex valued functions; it returns a libcalculus.Function object which can be evaluated at different points.


>>> f = libcalculus.derivative(libcalculus.sin)
>>> f(0)
>>> g = libcalculus.derivative(libcalculus.sin, tol=1e-6)
>>> g(0)
>>> g.latex()

Note how an error tolerance can be specified for either faster or more accurate calculation. Since the library supports only numerical differentiation (as opposed to symbolic), the LaTeX representation of a derivative is not simplified - i.e., libcalculus.derivative(libcalculus.sin).latex() returns \(\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}x}\left(\sin\left(x\right)\right)\).

The radius argument can be used to specify how close to the points of evaluation the derivative should be calculated - this can be useful when dealing with discontinuities that are close together, for example.

You can pass an order argument to the method to calculate a higher-order derivative; naturally, the higher the order, the lower the tolerance must be to achieve accurate results.


libcalculus.integrate(f, contour, REAL start=0., REAL end=1., REAL tol=1e-3)

Integrate f between two real numbers or along a contour.


This method allows for integration of a real function between two real numbers, or of a complex function along a contour.


>>> libcalculus.integrate(libcalculus.cosh, [1, 2])
>>> libcalculus.integrate(libcalculus.cosh, libcalculus.line(3j, 1+4j), 0, 1)
>>> libcalculus.integrate(libcalculus.cosh, libcalculus.line(3j, 1+4j), 0, 1, tol=1e-6)
>>> libcalculus.integrate( @ (2 * libcalculus.identity), libcalculus.sphere(0, 1), tol=1e-4)
  • In the first example, we compute \(\int_1^2 \text{cosh}\left(x\right)\text{d}x\).
  • In the second example, we compute \(\int_\gamma \text{cosh}\left(z\right)\text{d}z\), wherein \(\gamma:\,\left[0, 1\right]\to\mathbb{C}\) represents a line between \(3i\) and \(1 + 4i\). Note that the result isn’t quite exactly \(\text{sinh}(1 + 4i) - \text{sinh}(3i)\).
  • In the third example, we compute the same line integral, but specify a desired error tolerance of \(10^{-6}\); this yields a more accurate result.
  • In the final example, we compute \(\oint_{\partial\mathbb{B}_1\left(0\right)}\text{csc}\left(2z\right)\text{d}z\). As expected, the result is approximately \(2\pi i \cdot\underset{z=0}{\text{Res}}\left(\text{csc}(2z) \right )=\pi i\).


libcalculus.residue(f, z0, REAL radius=1., REAL tol=1e-3)

Calculate the residue of f around z0, given that f does not have any further singularities inside a sphere of the given radius around z0.


This method is used for the calculation of residues of complex functions.


>>> libcalculus.residue( @ (2 * libcalculus.identity), 0)
>>> libcalculus.residue( @ (2 * libcalculus.identity), 0, tol=1e-6)
  • In the first example, we compute once again \(\underset{z=0}{\text{Res}}\left(\text{csc}(2z) \right )\); this returns approximately \(\frac{1}{2}\) as expected.
  • In the second example we again achieve better accuracy by specifying a desired error tolerance.

Contour Index

libcalculus.index(double complex z0, Function contour, REAL start=0., REAL end=1.)


This method calculates the index of a point with respect to a contour.


>>> libcalculus.index(.5j, libcalculus.sphere(0, 1), 0, 1)
>>> libcalculus.index(.5j, libcalculus.sphere(0, 1), 0, 2)
>>> libcalculus.index(.5j, libcalculus.sphere(0, 1), 0, 2.5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "src/libcalculus.pyx", line 151, in libcalculus.index
  File "src/Contour.pyx", line 189, in libcalculus.Contour.index
    assert np.allclose(self(start), self(end)), "Index defined only for closed contour."
AssertionError: Index defined only for closed contour.
  • In the first example, we compute \(\text{ind}_{\partial\mathbb{B}_1\left(0\right)}\left(\frac{i}{2}\right)\).
  • In the second example we use the same contour, but run \(t\in\left[0, 2\right]\) - in other words, concatenating the unit circle with itself, producing two revolutions and thus the result \(2\).
  • We cannot use a non-closed contour: in the third example we attempt to do so with two and a half revolutions (counterclockwise) around the unit circle.

Counting Zeros

libcalculus.zeros(Function f, Function contour, REAL start=0., REAL end=1.)

Calculates the number of zeros the function has inside a closed contour, assuming it is holomorphic.


This method counts the number of zeros a complex function has inside a closed contour. This is done using the well-known formula: \(\text{N}_f\left(\Omega\right)=\oint_{\partial\Omega}\frac{f'\left(z\right)}{f\left(z\right)}\text{d}z=\text{ind}_{f\circ\partial\Omega}\left(0\right)\)


>>> libcalculus.zeros(libcalculus.sin, libcalculus.sphere(0, 6), 0, 1)
>>> libcalculus.zeros(libcalculus.sin, libcalculus.sphere(0, 6), 0, .5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "src/libcalculus.pyx", line 158, in libcalculus.zeros
  File "src/ComplexFunction.pyx", line 215, in libcalculus.ComplexFunction.zeros
    assert np.allclose(contour(start), contour(end)), "Number of zeros defined only for closed contour."
AssertionError: Number of zeros defined only for closed contour.
  • In the first example, we count the number of zeros the sine function has inside the area enclosed by \(\partial\mathbb{B}_6\left(0\right)\) - that is, a circle of radius \(6\) centered at the origin.
    We pass the function to examine, and the contour function with the start and end points (in this case, \(t\mapsto 6e^{2\pi it}\) with \(t\in\left[0, 1\right]\)).
  • We cannot use a non-closed contour: in the second example we attempt to do so with the upper half of \(\partial\mathbb{B}_6\left(0\right)\).